Monday, July 12, 2010

The Wonder of Google

After looking at some of the many applications of google, I am totally in awe!! I only used google as a search engine---I had no idea that there was so much more that one could do with google!!! I am intrigued with google voice. I think it is great that an account can be set up with a google number that does not reveal a personal cell, home, or office number. I like the idea that one can determine whether the phone rings or a voice mail is generated. I definately will be setting up this FREE google voice account.
Another application that I find interesting is how to publish a quiz using google docs. I need to investigate it further, but it sounds like something that could be incorporated in a blackboard function.
I also spent some time looking at the free video lectures offered by google. I think there are many opportunities to incorporate this information into the lecture component of my class.

I am grateful to Rita for sharing all this information with me.


1 comment:

  1. I was also amazed at Google. I have joined several parts of Google. I use Picasa a photo organizer and of course, searching. I like the igoogle as a way to keep up with current events and sites. I also like the gagets, calendar, jokes, weather, sports etc all at one site. And let's not forget the access to all of our classmates blogs at one site.
    I printed several articles recommended to us by Rita. They include: Fifteen Google Services, 50 Google Charts, Google Wave in Education, Google Tools for Educators, and 100+ Google Tricks for School. I am still reading and digesting them. Thanks to Rita for another fantastic resource.
